How to Use Water Lock to Eject Water From Apple Watch

Water lock on apple watch

Apple Watch Series 2 and newer models come with a water-resistant feature called Water Lock. It lets you enjoy your time in water hassle-free. Before going for water activity, turn Water Lock on, and turn it off and eject water from Apple Watch after you’re done. If you haven’t used it, this guide will serve you with a quick, helpful tip.

What is the Water Lock Mode on Apple Watch?

It works to prevent your watch from functioning specific actions in order to avoid accidental taps and clicks when in water. The feature auto-activates when you start a water-based activity like swimming and surfing.

Here are some points to be noted before your dip in the water.

  • Once your watch is underwater, some functionalities such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and the cellular network won’t be connected. Although, if it’s just a matter of taking a shower or dancing in the rain, your watch might be able to work normally.
  • You can shower with your Apple Watch, but remember not to expose it to soap, shampoo, lotions, or perfumes as these may harm its water seals and acoustic membranes.
  • You shouldn’t wear your Apple Watch while going for deep underwater activities like scuba diving and water skiing.
  • If you’re using a stainless steel or leather band, reconsider before dipping as they are not water-resistant.

How to Turn ON Water Lock on Apple Watch

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the watch screen to open the control center.
  2. Scroll down and find the icon of the water droplet.
  3. Tap on it to turn on. turn on water lock on apple watch

Once enabled, you’ll see the “Turn Digital Crown to unlock and eject water” message on the screen.

water lock is enabled on apple watch

How to Turn Off Water Lock and Eject Water from Apple Watch

Turn the Digital Crown anticlockwise to disable Water Lock. As soon as you turn the dial, you’ll hear beep sounds and animation on the screen while water expelling out of your Apple Watch speakers.

turn off water lock and eject water from apple watch

Signing Off…

Isn’t it one of the coolest features on your Apple Watch? If you’re a watersport lover, then definitely it is! What do you think about it? We’d like to know your first experience using this feature! Share it with us in the comment section below!

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I am an aspiring tech blogger who is always in love with new generation iPhones and iPads. At iGeeksBlog, I am dedicated to rendering the How-To’s, Troubleshooting bugs, and reviewing apps that are a great deal of help. When I am not writing, I am daydreaming about the future of all things Apple and watching videos of smartphone battles on YouTube.

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