Home How-to How to turn off annoying Facebook sounds on iPhone or iPad

How to turn off annoying Facebook sounds on iPhone or iPad

How to turn off facebook sound effects on iphone and ipad

Key Takeaways

How to turn off facebook sound effects on iphone and ipad
  • Facebook introduced in-app sounds in its new version. When you comment on a post or refresh/scroll the news feed on your iPhone, you get a chirping sound.
  • You may turn off Facebook in-app sound effects to get rid of annoying chirping sound when scrolling. You can do this for Facebook Messenger if facing the same.
  • To turn off Facebook in-app sounds, open Facebook and navigate to the menuSettings and PrivacySettingsMedia → Toggle off In-app sound.

Are you trying to turn off the annoying chirping sounds on Facebook on your iPhone? I know it might have appeared out of nowhere. Many users on Apple forums and Reddit have reported the same. Facebook added in-app sound effects on Facebook in its new version.

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As a result, when you scroll the news feed, comment, post, and refresh the feed, you get a sound. Although you can mute your iPhone, it isn’t an ideal solution. Fortunately, you can disable these sounds. In this guide, I’ll show you how to turn off in-app sounds on Facebook on your iPhone.

How to turn off Facebook’s in-app sound effects on iPhone

  1. Open Facebook and tap on three vertical lines at the bottom right.
  2. Scroll down to Settings and Privacy and tap Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Preferences and tap Media.
  4. Toggle off the In-App Sound option.

    go to settings media toggle off in app sound in facebook

Turn off Facebook Messenger sounds on the iPhone

  1. Open Messenger.
  2. Tap three vertical bars at the top right corner.
  3. Select Settings icon.
  4. Tap Notifications & sound and toggle off Play while using app.

    tap notification and sounds toggle off play while using app in messenger

Successfully turned off annoying Facebook sounds on iPhone!

That’s it, people. It was that simple! Turning off the chirping scroll sound is a great help, especially if you are using Facebook in public or listening to music. So, disable the annoying sound, and enjoy browsing the app seamlessly.

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  1. I’ve done this multiple times on my iPhone but the sound will come back on and I have to turn it off repeatedly. It’ll work for a brief time but that’s it. Very annoying!

    1. It’s definitely annoying when Facebook sounds keep reappearing after you turn them off. If you wish you can try an extensive approach like uninstalling and reinstalling the Facebook app. This can sometimes clear corrupt settings or data causing the issue. However, remember to back up your data before reinstalling.

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